Monday, October 31, 2011

Are you looking for good health information?

Few days ago, I was having a conversation with a colleague about how Hispanics look online for health information. Of course this was very fruitful conversation, so I would like to share somewhat I found interesting. Even though the Pew Hispanic Center reported in 2010 that Hispanics are less than Whites and a little bit behind of African Americans to access the Internet, Hispanics are learning to use computers as much as are getting into other latest tech devices like smart cellphones, tablets, etc. It is possible that the number of Hispanics accessing the internet is growing now and it seems that there is a trend that Hispanics are more interested in navigating websites to get useful information for their everyday lives. If someone has a health problem, taking a look at websites could help a lot because it is supposed you will find your answers unless you get wrong or very limited information. Here it is my point. Are you always getting good health information when you visit websites? Probably you would say yes if you are browsing in English only. However, Spanish speaker rarely can find the right or good information because there is limited health information in Spanish from most of reliable websites created in the US.
I have good news for Hispanics who are browsing on websites for health information; the US Department of Health and Human Services has a very useful website that has also a Spanish version. You can google it: and that is all. You can navigate this website not only for general information on health but also to look for resources and advice. For example I found a small box where you can put your age and your sex, then click on a button and you start receiving a lot of specific information on your health care according to your age and sex, which is very important.
Try it. I am sure you are going to like this website.

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